Baby Boomers are those who were born from 1946 to 1964. Although this generation is very familiar with Marijuana, whether they have smoked it or not, it is interesting to note that the medical benefits of CBD were not well known by this generation until recently.

According to a report, the amount of CBD users in the United States nearly doubled from 2.6% to 4.8% in 2018. While that may not surprise people, this one probably will: Baby Boomers use CBD more than any other age group, per Green Entrepreneur. About 8.4% of Baby Boomers said they used CBD in 2018. And since women use CBD more than men, female Baby Boomers are statistically the most common CBD users in America. In fact, female Baby Boomers made up 21% of 2018 CBD sales in the US.

There have been several changes in the Cannabis industry. The legalization of the product in several countries, the clarification of the clear separation between Hemp and Marijuana, and more studies proving the benefits of CBD helped increase the popularity among this age group.

Aging and CBD

Aging is a significant factor as to why Baby Boomers are using CBD. As we age, our health tends to decline, including diseases and conditions that start to appear and are more common after a certain stage of our lives.

CBD has been proven to be an incredible natural alternative to help improve general health and treat and alleviate symptoms of many diseases and conditions.

Recent research has shown that the most popular types of CBD products amongst Boomers are oils and creams.

Important Facts About CBD Baby Boomers Need to Know

Hemp and Marijuana are distinct types of Cannabis Plants. The two plants look different, are grown differently, and have entirely different chemical compositions. Marijuana growth is focused on THC, while Hemp growth is focused on CBD.

Here are some great takeaways for Baby Boomers who are interested in starting using CBD-derived products to improve their health.

  • CBD on its own does not cause euphoria or dependence 
  • CBD is not addictive
  • CBD interacts organically with the body by working with the Endocannabinoid System.
  • CBD is legal in Canada, USA, and Brazil.
  • CBD works great for stress and mental health 
  • Sublingual CBD is excellent for fast-acting relief


Baby Boomers are increasingly consuming CBD-derived products as CBD has countless potential for medical and therapeutical use among this age group. We recommend Boomers talk to their doctor if they are on prescribed medication, as CBD can interact differently when mixed with traditional drugs.

To get the most out of your CBD product, seek high-quality CBD extracted products and find the ideal dosage for you, as the dosage is very individual and particular.

Still have questions?

At Gaia Hemp, we believe in the miracle healing power of herbs, as we personally have experienced the restorative medicinal benefits of CBD. We value transparency by offering the finest quality Canadian-grown hemp and cold-pressed CBD extracted with 100% purity. If you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact us today.

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