CBD for Pets: 5 Reasons to Give Your Dog CBD

As CBD becomes a popular wellness trend when it comes to treating certain dog conditions and with more and more products hitting the market, it has become confusing for pet owners to discern the real benefits of giving your dog CBD.

As a pet owner, you want to make sure your dog is healthy and happy. According to the AKC’s Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr. Jerry Klein, there is enough evidence from dog owners suggesting that CBD oil can treat pain, especially neuropathic pain, as well as helping to control seizures.

A 2018 study from Cornell University suggests that CBD is helpful for dogs with arthritis pains. According to the researchers, over 80% of the dogs taking the CBD oil showed “significant improvement in pain levels and quality of life” without discernible side effects.

Since CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, it helps to boost your dog’s overall health. CBD works to helps the body stay balanced and run optimally, and it does the same for dogs.

What Dog Health Problems Can CBD Oil Treat?

Because of its properties, CBD oil can be used to treat many different health and physical conditions that your dog can present throughout its life, including:

  • Manage anxiety and stress.
  • Reduce inflammation and chronic pain.
  • Seizures.
  • Regulate appetite.
  • Improve sleeping quality.
  • IBD (inflammatory bowel disease).
  • Allergies.

CBD oil for pets also presents cardiac benefits, anti-nausea effects, and anti-cancer benefits.

Reasons to give your pet CDB oil

Reason #1: Help with anxiety and stress

Because dogs have a similar biological system as humans, anecdotal evidence from dog owners suggests that CBD can help dogs with anxiety and stress. Like with people, CBD helps calm down dogs and makes it easier for them to sleep.

Reason #2: Arthritis & Joint Pain

Some dogs can suffer from joint pain and arthritis at young ages, especially some small breeds. Also, as dogs get older, they are as susceptible to arthritis and joint pain as much as humans are. CBD has compounds that reduce chronic inflammation. This property also means that CBD can alleviate arthritis and joint pain.

Reason #3: Epileptic Seizures

It is believed that about 5% of dogs have problems related to epileptic seizures. A 2018 study from Colorado State University used a clinical trial to see if a CBD treatment for canine epilepsy was a viable option. Based on the preliminary report on the analysis, 89% of dogs who received CBD in the clinical trial had a reduction in the frequency of seizures.

Reason #4: Pain relief

Besides helping with pain caused by inflammation, evidence suggests that CBD can be used to alleviate general aches and pains. Unlike some traditional pain medicine for dogs, CBD has no life-threatening side effects, not causing the dogs to be high or sedate.

Reason #5: Skin Care

CBD has antioxidant properties that could make it beneficial for the dog’s skin and hair. It also helps with allergy treatments.

How to buy quality CBD for your dog

If you have decided that CBD is the way to go, make sure the product you buy and use is made for dogs. Human products may contain ingredients that are not safe for dogs. Always look for products that have been tested for quality. It is one way to ensure that the company is being transparent about what goes into its product.

When it comes to offering high-quality CBD products to your dog, Gaia Hemp has a complete Pet Line to help treat your pet with the care they deserve.

Still have questions?

At Gaia Hemp, we believe in the miracle healing power of herbs, as we personally have experienced the restorative medicinal benefits of CBD. We value transparency by offering the finest quality Canadian-grown hemp and cold-pressed CBD extracted with 100% purity. If you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact us today.

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[…] of its properties, CBD oil can be used to treat many other health and physical conditions that your pets can present throughout its life, including […]

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